Living God's Mission

Ever felt fearful in sharing your faith? The disciples did.

The disciples were locked away in a room, trembling in fear, after the death of Jesus. Mary Magdalene came to the fearful team with the reviving news, “I have seen the Lord!”

Jesus then appeared to the fearful disciples and greeted them twice with “peace be to you” and said, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you” (John 20:21). This mission continues today. Jesus offers us, just like the disciples, a double measure of peace and confidence as we share our faith.

Every local congregation and every Christian is sent into the world to fulfill a definite responsibility.

Our responsibility is to be worldwide witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to make disciples for the kingdom (Matt. 28:19, 20). We are to proclaim the soon return of Jesus Christ and to invite our friends to accept God’s invitation for abundant and eternal life.

Our responsibility is to “let your light shine” by loving our neighbors through generous acts of kindness and compassion (Matt. 5:16). Acts of mercy help make the gospel more credible as people see and understand how a Savior’s love transforms sinners into people who love God and humankind (Luke 10:25–37).

Jesus gave us, in His life, a model of living with purpose. His mission was to win salvation for all mankind, to set us free from bondage to sin, and, in the process, to reveal the true heart of God and give us hope for an eternal future.

Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. What is God calling you to do to further His mission? Are you faithfully using your time, talents and spiritual gifts to forward God’s mission? We are never more like Jesus and we are never happier than when we dedicate ourselves to accomplish God’s mission!

Together, let us be living examples of God’s mission.

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Featured in: February 2014
