A SWOT Analysis from Jesus A time-tested evaluation tool for corporations and other secular institutions is the SWOT analysis. It summarizes significant strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to that organization. Read more
Missionary An old story tells of a lighthouse overlooking the foggy Atlantic. This lighthouse had a gun that sounded a warning every hour. The keeper who tended the beacon kept enough shells in the gun so it would keep firing. After decades, he could sleep r... Read more
Progress “If I am voted in as pastor of this church,” said the prospective pastor to the search committee, “I will work hard to bring us into the 20th century.” Read more
The End of the Story, Part III As a child of the 80s I saw a lot of weird things — I mean really strange. Hair took unnatural shapes, music was doused in synthesizers, and fashion that seemed like a good idea at the time now hides in photo albums that one hopes never sees the l... Read more
Adventists: Sheep or Goats? Seventh-day Adventism parachuted onto the public square through the presidential campaign of Benjamin Carson. But in connecting with his political constituency, Carson felt it necessary to downplay his denominational identity. Read more
The End of the Story, Part 2 I hate bad endings — I always feel violated and like someone owes me an apology. I paid admission, risked a late fee at the library or wasted life by listening to someone forget the point of their own story while they are telling it to me. It’s a ... Read more
Relational Adventism Seventh-day Adventism parachuted onto the public square through the presidential campaign of Benjamin Carson. Suddenly we find ourselves talking about our faith with people who weren’t interested before. What do we say? Read more
Evangelism: Postmodern Answer or Dilemma? Does the early church’s method of evangelism really work in the progressive, postmodern, liberal culture of today? Does publicly preaching our message really contribute to the growth and strengthening of our church in a post-Christian world, or is... Read more