Bloom Boldly It was a perfect day for golf: A brilliant blue sky and gentle breeze. The lush fairway lined with majestic trees beckoned me to begin. I could clearly see the flag fluttering at the hole nearly 200 yards away. It felt great to be out in the fresh... Read more
Accion- Mensaje de Sandra Juárez, Directora de Esperanza TV El pastor Ramón Canals, a quien seguramente usted ha visto en nuestro programa Vislumbres de Esperanza, estará presentando el mensaje cada noche en la Red 2009 en español, titulada "Secretos de la Vida". Vea cómo Dios sigue utilizando a su siervo ... Read more
A Heavenly Experience NPUC Regional Convocation 2009 The 33rd North Pacific Union Conference Regional Convocation, May 14–17 at Camp Berachah in Auburn, Wash., featured a spirit of praise and joyful communion giving fullness to the event’s theme, Heaven.Throughout the weekend, participants enjoyed w... Read more
Is it Legalistic to be Ready? I recently remembered a parable I first heard from C. Mervyn Maxwell. As I recall, the story involves two fictional characters called Gary and Orville.Gary was tall, athletic — a 4.0 GPA pre-med student. He had lots of friends who admired his atte... Read more
Of Apricots and Christians Summertime ... some people think of ocean beach vacations, or anticipate those two scoops of homemade ice cream on the front porch. I think of apricots.Try to understand my handicap. I was raised in a central California housing tract carved out of... Read more
Acción El evangelio es como una 'enfermedad' que cuando se contagia no reconoce antibiótico La iglesia de Vancouver, Washington es una iglesia especial. Hace apenas 4 años, se reunían menos de 20 personas en el culto del Sábado. Bajo el liderazgo del pastor Juan Francisco Altamirano, la iglesia de Vancouver ahora cuenta con una asistenci... Read more
Proof in the Pudding I started my church school experience in a one-room school in the basement of the Jamestown Church in North Dakota—twenty-one kids representing six of the eight grades available. And I don't feel one bit persecuted. I, "Maxie Carle" Torkelsen, lov... Read more
An Encouraging Word Bruce was a failure. That's what he'd overheard the fifth-grade teacher say. Another strike against him. Times were rough at school and home. His mom, attempting to raise three kids alone on a nonexistent budget, was barely coping with an emotiona... Read more
Accion Un sueño se hace realidad La conferencia de Upper Columbia celebró por primera vez un retiro de damas Hispanas en el hotel Clarion de Richland, Abril 17–19. Lo que antes fue un sueño se ha vuelto realidad, aunque casi llegó a ser un chasco. La noche antes del gran aconteci... Read more