Feature Sidebar 2 Dates (2007)—Church or School Activity—Who Might Lead OutJanuary 6–12—Week of Fasting and Prayer—First Elder (or Academy Bible Teacher/Chaplain)January–March—Small Groups: Church members (or students) find a partner and begin a small group ministr... Read more
Feature Sidebar 1 1. "Evangelism and soul winning is not a department of the church; it is the LIFE of the church. Either a church has life or it doesn’t. And small groups are not a program of the church; they are a LIFESTYLE for a church that wants to grow." —Melc... Read more
Wit and Wisdom In Richard's dream, he strides without effort through one of the city's arched gates, along a golden, translucent highway, until he arrives at a bright, flower-speckled meadow. Standing at its edge, a playful breeze ruffles long wisps of silvery g... Read more
Building Soul-winning Momentum in the Northwest mo·men·tum — Strength or force gained by motion or through the development of events. “So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers” (Acts 16:5, NIV).in·er·tia — Resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change... Read more
Native Ministries Monte Church travels more than 150,000 miles every year to visit far-flung native groups.There are 31 native churches or companies in the NPUC, with 1,489 members.There are 15 annual native camp meetings across the Northwest and Canada.The North P... Read more
Secretary The North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) executive secretary wears several other hats, including coordination of stewardship and health programs, as well as leading out in the activities and events of the Northwest Institute for Mission and Minis... Read more
Walla Walla College Enrollment growth reached 1,968 in 2004–05, the second highest enrollment in WWC history.An average of 90 WWC students serve as student missionaries every year.Approximately 84 percent of students receive financial aid each year; the average finan... Read more
Hispanic Ministries Hispanic membership has increased 31 percent over the last five years.Hispanic members contributed $1 million more in tithe since 2001.Ramon Canals personally holds approximately five evangelistic series each year.Recognizing the tremendous growth... Read more
Delegate List The delegates on these pages represent those individuals or positions designated as of the press time for this publication. An asterisk (*) by the name means that individual is also a member of the North Pacific Union Conference Executive Committe... Read more