Member Makes Potholders for Cuba The lesson that Lisa Albee taught may have originated more than a year ago, but it's one that continues to inspire many. You see, it would have been difficult for Albee, who attends the Coeur d’Alene Church in north Idaho, to go on an internationa... Read more
Versacare Opens Applications for 2020 STEM Awards Versacare has announced it will award $1 million in 2020 for STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) grants to qualifying Adventist primary and secondary schools across the North American Division. Read more
Western Adventist Foundation to Manage NPUC Trust Services When North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) executive committee members gathered Aug. 21, 2019, in Ridgefield, Wash., for their quarterly meeting, they approved a dramatic shift in how the NPUC works with trust services. Read more
Children’s Leaders Take Digital Tour Washington Conference children’s ministries coordinator Nitza Salazar wanted to showcase the different summertime programs in western Washington to help children’s leaders learn from each other. So she set up a digital tour of 10 churches. Read more
Gladstone Camp Meeting Focuses on 'Loving Well' July found the Gladstone Park (Ore.) campground abuzz with activity as thousands gathered for Gladstone Camp Meeting. This year’s theme of "Loving Well" had young and old learning how to love better, whether by lending a helping hand, a listening ... Read more
Ontario Church Burns Mortgage Closed once and moved twice — we continue to see God at work to reach the citizens of Ontario, Ore. God has truly blessed this congregation. Read more
CBFM Explores Ways to Integrate Biblical Studies With Concerns Facing the Church How can Adventists engage with the questions of today with humility and confidence? Through the Center for Bible, Faith, and Mission (CBFM) at Walla Walla University, the faculty in the School of Theology seek to provide a framework for addressing... Read more
Small-Church Vision Brings Big Hope to Big Timber They said it would be impossible, but sometimes big things come in small places. Sandra Smith, a member of the Big Timber (Mont.) Church, had heard there was a group doing a large vision clinic/medical outreach in Bozeman, Mont., so she went to se... Read more
His Travelers Connect Kids to Jesus It is the 11th annual Creation Daycamp in Idaho's Rathdrum Park. The count is more than 90 kids in attendance. His Travelers, a team of four youth and one adult, are helping with this popular event. Read more