Billings Campus to Develop Mental Health Clinic The Alliance of Billings Clinic, St. Vincent Healthcare, RiverStone Health and other partners received a $1.5 million federal grant in mid-September that will be awarded over the next three years. Walla Walla University’s Master's of Social Work e... Read more
Green Lake Youth Serve With Purpose Partnering with God in His activity in this world can be daunting. There seems to be more want than need and less concern than apath, and the sheer magnitude of inequity can stifle rather than inspire us to action. Read more
Transformando Familias Para la Eternidad-Plan de Evangelismo Laico El Ministerio Hispano de la Unión del Pacifico Norte, tiene como propósito, además de la predicación del evangelio, la gran tarea de capacitar a la iglesia, con el firme propósito de retener a los miembros y que estos se conviertan en discípulos. ... Read more
Wenatchee Member Turns 100 Earl Bolton, Wenatchee Church member, celebrated his 100th birthday on Oct. 3. The church held a birthday celebration for him on Sabbath, Sept. 27, 2014. Read more
'Ain't Nobody Asleep' for AAA Week of Prayer It’s become a cultural sign of teenagers paying attention when cell phones are pocketed to listen to a presentation. Read more
Port Angeles Celebrates the Oldest New Church Port Angeles Church had a facility that was disproportionate to its needs: classroom space for 120, sanctuary space for 80 and fellowship hall space for 40. Membership would grow to capacity and then shrink back in attendance and participation. Read more
Billings Members Take GLOW on Wheels Each Fourth of July, thousands of visitors gather with local residents to watch the Independence Day Parade in Laurel, Mont. For several years a group of unicycle riders from the Billings Church have joined the celebration by riding in the parade.... Read more
Eastern Idaho District Builds Relationships at the Fair The churches of Eastern Idaho have often struggled to make lasting connections with the local population in their district. Programs offering vegetarian cooking, smoking cessation and prophecy have not drawn people toward the church as they might ... Read more
Prineville Provides Health Awareness Screenings Members of the Prineville Church joined together to conduct the first of hopefully many health awareness screenings for the community. As the personal ministries team had a desire to offer some kind of medical outreach, they discussed what could b... Read more