Local Fire Department Assists School March 31 was an exciting day for students and teachers at Mid-Columbia Adventist Christian School in Hood River, Ore., and the Hood River Fire Department.The school had not been able to fly a flag all year. The pole needed a new halyard and was un... Read more
Molalla Women's Ministries Events The Molalla (Ore.) Church isn't very big, but nonetheless it has a vibrant and active women's ministries group. The new year was welcomed with an Informal Tea. This provided a chance for women to enjoy an afternoon with friends and to hear Caryl J... Read more
Oregon Conference Hosts Origins Summit Some of Adventism's most respected scholars and research scientists in the areas of geology, paleontology, biology, genetics and theology discussed Adventist Biblical challenges regarding origins. This event took place April 1 and 2 at the Holden ... Read more
What a Fellowship! On Friday evenings the home of Laura and Ben Nagel in Butte, Mont., is full of tables and chairs. It is so full they have moved out the other furniture. Laura was impressed she, as well as others, needed to know the Bible better. So on Friday, Dec... Read more
GSAA Alumni Reconnect, Celebrate and Advance the Mission Nearly 1,000 alumni, family and friends headed for "the school that we love in the hills of Idaho" the first weekend in April for Gem State Adventist Academy's 53rd homecoming reunion. An additional 61 people viewed the homecoming programs via liv... Read more
Idaho Conference Welcomes New President David Prest Jr. The Idaho Conference welcomes David Prest Jr., as conference president. Prest comes from the Montana Conference, where he was ministerial, church ministries, and planned giving and trust services director since 2001. His first days in his new offi... Read more
Alaska Camp Meetings Go Beyond Arctic Circle The Alaska Conference hosted its third-area Native convocation this spring. Planes arrived from Anchorage, Alaska, and around Arctic Alaska on April 8. A blizzard had just passed, leaving a foot of new snow. Despite temperatures in the teens, peop... Read more
Grace in Carhartts Recovery Group Forms in Wasilla Drugs, Sex, Gambling and Chocolate, the book title read. Ignoring the first three words, a Sabbath School member breathed out a painful, "Oh, and chocolate!"The Sabbath School lesson was on addictions, and the discussion turned to real life and re... Read more