International Communications New Major Opens Worldwide Doors For Cassy Collins, language has always been a passion, but the big question is: What do you do with a language major?The creation of the international communication major at Walla Walla University fit her interests perfectly, finding the medium wh... Read more
Larry Dodds Celebrates a Career Dedicated to Mission After almost 40 years of dedicated service at Adventist Health, Larry Dodds, executive vice president and COO, is retiring. While he is looking forward to trading his suit and tie for something better suited for spending time with his grandchildre... Read more
Donors Fund Campus Improvements Visit Auburn Adventist Academy in Auburn, Wash., and you'll notice some changes on campus. An avenue of flowering pink cherry trees lines the front roadway, an attractive brick security fence surrounds the front perimeter of campus, and the single... Read more
Adventists Continue Involvement with VegFest Each year, thousands of people who follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle or who are curious about vegetarian food attend VegFest in Seattle, Wash.Vegetarians of Washington, one of the largest vegetarian organizations in the United States, produce... Read more
Washington Conference Affirms Church Elders In an affirmation of church elders, Washington Conference held a conference-wide elders' meeting in late March to dialogue about mission, ministry, responsibilities, needed resources and commitment. Nearly 150 elders attended, including a handful ... Read more
The Big Picture of Ministry Stewardship is a daily choice to honor God through your life management and to embrace every opportunity, relationship, ability, asset and commitment.Discover Read more
Training Forums Focus on Evangelism Church growth is a hot topic in national media this spring with the release of the National Council of Church's yearbook and prominent articles in publications such as USA Today.But church growth is not a new topic. Some Seventh-day Adventist chur... Read more
Children Demonstrate Compassion with Stuffed Animals Second-grade students from Buena Vista Elementary School in Auburn, Wash., learned about compassion and community service during a fieldtrip in February.Each child created a stuffed animal — from lions and bears to puppies and koalas — for the loc... Read more
Orthodox Priest baptized in Coeur d'Alene Church On Sabbath, Oct. 30, Athanasios-Paul Thompson, Orthodox priest, officially retired and was baptized at the Coeur d'Alene (Idaho) Adventist Church. This was a statement of commitment to both his faith in Christ and the Adventist message.In November... Read more