Kingdom Assignment Yields a Horse Barn A 65–70 year-old man took the $100 but didn't know what to do with it. He almost gave it back, but then decided to help a neighbor build a horse barn. The neighbor wanted to board horses as a source of income. He promised to share a portion of the... Read more
Definition Kingdom A$ Definition Kingdom Assignment: Creative strategy to catapult congregations to become externally focused.Who? Ordinary individuals.Why? To touch your community for Jesus Christ.How? One act of kindness at a time.When? A term first coined by the Chr... Read more
Charity Baseball Game On Sabbath, March 7, 2009, the Upper Columbia Conference hosted an IMPACT — UNLEASH THE POWER OF KINDNESS Sabbath in Tri-Cities, Washington. David Jamieson, keynote speaker, gave out seven $100 bills (supplied by the UCC) to seven individuals. Acc... Read more
A Church Takes Kingdom Assignments Members of the North Cascade Church in Burlington, Washington, used Kingdom Assignment to fulfill and strengthen already existing ministries. "Participants were to let God lead them in how to fulfill their assignments," says Tim Williams, NCC yout... Read more
Chapel in the "Wildwood" Willard and Kathy Loewen got started on death row, and have been there for two hours every Tuesday, for 12 years. Prisoners on death row actually call it home. Some are considered so dangerous, they must be handcuffed. The Loewens must pass readin... Read more
You Want Me to go to Prison? How often have we prayed for God to use us as He sees fit? Then He calls, and we say, "PRISON MINISTRY! You want ME to go in the prisons?"After coming out of the prison that first time, the picture becomes crystal clear. God doesn't see them any d... Read more
Washington Family Reunites Behind Bars Dan Houser ran away from home at age 15 to escape his father's drunken abuse and his parents' broken marriage. He found an abandoned home, stole food, and started using drugs and drinking.After Houser committed five burglaries, he was arrested. He... Read more
Making Christmas Dinner for Convicts Sandy is a cook at a state penitentiary. Every morning he walks past guards, monitors, and large gates. He picks up a set of keys, attaches a radio and identification to his body and walks in and out successive sally ports. One door clangs shut be... Read more
Does Love Actually Work? Incarcerated at the McNeil Island Corrections Center and seven years into a 10-year sentence, the only consistent thing in my life was the routine of incarceration. Things had gotten so bad; I was housed in the Inmate Management Unit or special co... Read more