Adventist Mission Alive and Well in Helena The Helena Church held a Hope in the Word evangelistic seminar March 17–April 29, 2016. Ben Moore, Helena Church pastor, presented 25 sermons covering Adventist doctrine and coming events. Read more
Construction Begins on Long Creek Church The new Long Creek (Ore.) Church construction seemed more real on Aug. 2, 2016, than any time during the preceding months of preparation and discussion. Kelly Kilby at the controls of his 305 CR Caterpillar excavator took the first bite of dirt fo... Read more
Matriarch of the Pullman Church Turns 99 Gail Sampson celebrated her 99th birthday July 30 at her longtime home in Pullman, Wash. Though no longer able to attend church, she keeps up with what is going on, prays for church and community members, and freely gives her opinion on church and... Read more
Meridian Member Named National Merit Finalist Justin Daniel Wiley, son of Craig and Cheryl Wiley of Caldwell, has been named a National Merit Scholarship Finalist. Justin served as senior class president of and graduated with the class of 2016 from Fountainview Academy in British Columbia, Ca... Read more
Medford Church Celebrates Birthdays, Summer and Baptisms A special evening took place on June 12 at the Medford Church to celebrate 21 of church members who have reached and exceeded a milestone of 90 years of life. Honorees included: Harold Ballard, 91; Arlean Bechtel, 91; Margaret Blankenship, 93; Dor... Read more
Q and A With Auburn's Principal Every new school year brings anticipation and excitement, and this is particularly true for the 97th school year at Auburn Adventist Academy. Principal John Soulé shares a few highlights in this beginning-of-the-year interview. Read more
Sunset Lake Welcomes International Campers It was Julie’s first time at camp. She had traveled from China, halfway around the world, to attend a week at Sunset Lake Camp in Wilkeson. She was one of nearly 100 students who attended the camp as a part of a cultural exchange program sponsored... Read more
Cottage Grove Opens New School It was near the end of the 2014 school year that the members of the Cottage Grove Church began envisioning having an elementary school. It had been more than 30 years since an Adventist school had been operated in Cottage Grove. With no Christian ... Read more
Alaska Men's Retreat Hosts World Church President Deep in the mountains of central Alaska, 13 miles off of the main road, is a place where men from all backgrounds journey for fellowship and spiritual revival. Each year Kent Sandvik, of Palmer, allows men to stay at his claim in the Caribou Creek... Read more